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Memberstack Discount Programs – Memberstack 2.0

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Memberstack offers several official discount programs designed to support startups, non-profits, young professionals, and community-focused projects. The offerings include a 100% discount on the Basic Plan for young professionals, 50% off for non-profits, discounted pricing for startups with 0% transaction fees and 10,000 included members, a free Basic Plan for Webflow community projects, and a special 200 Customer Plan for high-ticket/low-volume businesses. Each program requires an application process with proper documentation and periodic renewal.

Starting from


Up to


Program Tiers

Young Professionals (18–22 years)

100% off the Basic Plan for 12 months for young professionals. Applicants must provide proof of age for personal or educational projects.

Discount Value



12 months


Basic benefits to help you get started
Level 1
100% discount on the Basic Plan for 12 months
Access for personal or educational projects
Renewal requires reapplication after 12 months


Lunar Gravity
Lunar Gravity
Simple application process, usually just a quick form
Level 1
Proof of age (e.g., government ID)
Age between 18 and 22
Personal or educational project use

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Submit Application

Fill out the application form with proof of age

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Frequently Asked Questions