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Twentysix Cloud Acceleratooor Web3 Startup Program

web3 decentralized blockchain crypto gpu

The Twentysix Cloud Acceleratooor Web3 Startup Program offers a $1M grant in ALEPH credits and infrastructure support for blockchain projects building decentralized applications (dApps). It provides decentralized compute instances, IPFS-based storage, cross-chain interoperability (support for Avalanche, Base, BNB Chain, Mode, Solana, Ethereum, and OP Superchain), and dedicated mentorship. This program is designed for early-stage projects with an MVP or POC, without requiring VC or institutional funding, and operates with a manual application review process without KYC/KYB.

Starting from


Up to


Program Tiers

Acceleratooor Tier

For projects on supported blockchains, this tier offers ALEPH credits for 1 year, on-demand compute instances, decentralized storage, and dedicated mentorship.

Discount Value



1 year


Premium benefits for established projects
Level 3
$1M ALEPH credits valid for 1 year
On-demand compute instances for backend operations
Decentralized storage with IPFS integration
Technical mentorship from experienced developers
Opportunities to pitch at global Web3 events


Earth Gravity
Earth Gravity
Moderate documentation like basic financials, pitch deck
Level 2
Requires MVP or Proof-of-Concept
Must build on Avalanche, Base, BNB Chain, Mode, Solana, Ethereum, or OP Superchain
No prior VC, institutional, or foundation funding needed
Manual application review without KYC/KYB

Apply Now


Complete Application Form

Fill out the short 5–10 minute application form to join the program.

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Await Approval

Wait for the program team to review your application and send an approval email.

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Frequently Asked Questions